electronic industrial injection molding plastic Product 

the amazing automated manufacturing-assembly line of the Steam Controller.

Get behind Valve’s fully automated assembly line for the Steam controller, “one of the largest fully automated assembly lines in the US”,including molding of the parts and assembly, it’s not only impressive, it’s almost sexy. “When we first started designing hardware at Valve, we decided we wanted to try and do the manufacturing as well. To achieve our goal of a flexible controller, we felt it was important to have a similar amount of flexibility in our manufacturing process, and that meant looking into automated assembly lines. It turns out…

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Art bronze digital handmade 

Jonathan Yeo, sculpting a Bronze statue in VR

Artist Jonathan Yeo used 3D scanning and virtual reality painting app Tilt Brush to create his latest self-portrait, which he then cast in bronze. In this behind-the-scenes video, he explains how he used these new tools to create the sculpture. “For the last 18 months, Jonathan’s been experimenting with various innovative technologies related to image making, including virtual reality and advanced 3D scanning. Through a partnership with Google Arts and Culture, Yeo has been collaborating with Google’s engineers on their Tilt Brush software, which lets users paint in a 3D…

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handmade Sport hardware 

Soft fabric sensors

This textile-based sensor effectively registers fine motor movements of the human body, taking researchers one step closer to creating soft, wearable robots. Credit: Wyss Institute at Harvard University For more information, please visit: wyss.harvard.edu/soft-and-stretchy-fabric-based-sensors-for-wearable-robots A team of researchers at the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) and the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University has created a highly sensitive soft capacitive sensor made of silicone and fabric that moves and flexes with the human body to unobtrusively and accurately detect movement.

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