3d printed Bikini

continuum fashion  has launched a new project called N12 , which is the first 100% 3D printed and ready-to-wear garment in the shape of a cute little bikini. To get it ready for printing, Rhino 3D CAD software and a specially written algorithmic script are used to create the structure of the 3D printed fabric. The material used to print (N12, which is where the name derives from) is a waterproff Nylon that can be printed on 3D printing machine. Due to the properties of the material, Continuum says that it’s…

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Making of M3 Chair by Thomas Feichtner

On the occasion of the Vienna Design Week 2011 the Neue Wiener Werkstätte will be showing an installation featuring the M3 Chair developed specifically for this exhibition by Austrian designer Thomas Feichtner. This unique object will be juxtaposed with the mass-produced FX10 Lounge Chair, an earlier work by Feichtner which has since become a classic of Austrian design. While the two pieces of furniture share a basic structure that is geometric in character, the M3 chair differs from the closed-body lounge chair by virtue of its open wooden cantilever construction.…

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Dyson Hot

A Dyson engineer walks us through the workings of their new Hot and how it efficiently keeps a space heated. ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………….. ……………………………………………….. http://www.core77.com/blog/object_culture/dyson_heats_up_the_product_design_space_20531.asp

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vistoe-dieter rams shelves assembly

Want a glimpse behind-the-scenes at Vitsœ’s London workshop? We invited in a camera crew to make this film, which is narrated entirely by workshop staff. You’ll see the machinery we use to assemble and pack orders as well as the individuals who put their names to each package. Directed by: Jared Schiller http://www.vitsoe.com/en/gb/about/made-by-britain

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