28 series chandelier by Omer Arbe

This is the 28 chandelier by Omer Arbel IT’s basically an  “exploration” of glass-making. Check the video to truly understand the process -his  process involves forcing air into hot glass, removing it, heating and cooling the whole thing and plopping scalding blobs of milk glass on the surface to create that unique interior space. thanks to fastcodesign for the link.

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BAmboo and canvas bag

John Cho Moore grew tired of the limitations of the industrial design process and is now trying to capture the essence of design with his beautifully handmade bamboo and canvas bags. Follow John through his unique manufacturing process that challenges convention thinking about product design and the creative process. thanks to core 77 for the link .

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ceramic speaker : the natural speaker

transmission line speaker with porcelain which is making natural resonance sound’ the natural speaker is start from the desire to have unique speaker which is absolutely crafted and precious piece for interior. However, there is a lot of speaker which could make super bass and sharp high tones, we felt the sound is stuck inside of the speaker sometimes. During the development of the natural speaker, we realized the porcelain could gives you the natural reflection of the sounds. From the research, we found a special structure to give a…

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Primitive snowboard by Corey Smith

Out of curiosity and boredom Corey Smith decided to attempt to build some handmade snowboards. He was interested in long boarding style in surfing and exploring similar concepts on snow. He wanted to deconstruct contemporary snowboarding down to its simplest element and find beauty in simply turning. “I’ve always wanted to explore and experiment with snowboarding as a physical outlet of creativity,” states Smith. So he ended up building some experimental snowboards. When it finally did snow record amounts in Tahoe he was glad it did. These boards provided a…

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Pod by Benjamin Hubert for De vorm

The chair’s ergonomics allow the user to work comfortably whilst feeling relaxed and separated from the hustle and bustle of daily life. It creates a room-in-room experience with the perimeter of the chair around the users head. The shell of the chair is the largest form ever produced utilizing pressed PET felt technology. This felt allows a distinctive aesthetic as well as offers sound dampening properties to increase the sensation of privacy with acoustic performance. thanks to core77 for the link

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Stolzle Glass -crystal manufacturing

Stölzle is an international German glassware manufacturing company. Stölzle creates crystal drinking glasses for the restaurant, hotel and retail sector . We ensure that our product maximizes the full potential, flavor and aroma of each individual drink. The professional design and hi-tech production guarantee optimum performance durability and elegance. For over 200 years, Stölzle has been recognized as Europe’s leading designer, manufacturer and marketer of high-quality, 100% lead free crystal glassware for the foodservice and retail market. While Stölzle is very proud of its long European and international history and…

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