bags-accessories cnc Design process fibers handmade machining material metal process Product wood 

Schwood eyewear process and unique material choices.

Based in Portland, Oregon Shwood creates handcrafted wooden eyewear using fine exotic hardwoods. Shwood’s in-house manufacturing process merges precision technology with classic skilled craftsmanship to create a timeless art form. Every step from veneering and precision lens cutting, to shaping and finishing is conducted in our own Portland-based workshop to promise an entirely handcrafted eyewear piece. Inspiration is easily found but rarely encapsulated. Schwood new stabilization process freezes the beauty of nature in time and preserves natural elements in their current state. Using high-pressure resin casting and their hand-made processing technique, they’ve…

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Art blow molding Design process electronic forming glass blowing handmade lights process Product 

The Art of Making a Nixie Tube

The nixie tube is a vintage display device which had been used until 70s when it was replaced with LED displays. The complex knowledge of manufacture of nixie tubes literally died with tube factory’s engineers, glassblowers and machine operators. I discovered nixie tubes in 2011 and since then, I’ve devoted all my time to studies of nixie tubes and its manufacturing processes. After years of intensive work, with help of many people, I eventually succeeded and have revived the knowledge and equipment for production of nixie tubes.

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Art bronze casting Design process handmade material metal process Product 

Bronze casting-lost wax technique

A short animation made for the “Hadrian” Exhibition in the Israel Museum, Jerusalem, December 2015. The film shows the bronze casting process in an artistic yet simple method, a combination of stop motion and 2D animation. The preparation process included a research and a constant dialogue with the curator and the restoration department of the museum as well as a visit in a bronze casting workshop. The head used in the film was a plaster replica of the original Hadrian’s bronze statue found in Tel-Shalem, Israel, 117-138 CE.

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Food & Drinks handmade process whiskey 

Whiskey – Journeyman Distillery

Bill Welter started Journeyman Distillery on Oct. 7th 2011. He’s producing small batch organic rye whiskey among many other fine spirits at the old Featherbone factory in downtown Three Oaks Michigan. We are big fans of the fine spirits he produces and the fine spirit he possesses, we need more pioneers like him in this world. By all means visit the distillery and sign up for a tour… you’ll be glad you did. Small batch, hand crafted whiskey by Journeyman Distllery.

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Art Design process Energy handmade liquids metal process Product 

Grow, ferrofluid and robotic

A nice creative process mixing kinect motion tracking abilities, robotic, sculpting and ferrofluid, allowing creator to 3d sculpt an object in air. Xavier MONTOY Guillaume ANDRE / FablLab-ENSCI Le projet Grow a pour but de permettre au plus grand nombre de prendre part à la création d’un objet. Grâce à Kinect, l’utilisateur n’a plus besoin de maîtriser les outils de conception traditionnels (logiciels 3D…) et peut prendre part a la conception de son objet à travers une expérience nouvelle : modeler la matière grâce à un simple geste. L”utilisateur modèle…

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assembly cutting Design process electronic handmade process Product scoring turning wood wood laminating wood-turning 

Are Audio handmade speakers

Are Audio is a handcrafted boutique speaker manufacturer based out of St. John’s, Newfoundland. Are Audio speakers are produced by the pair, allowing for the utmost attention to detail. As well, it allows for the aesthetic of speaker to be completely customized to suit your taste. You choose the hardwood, and the colour, too. Visit for more information.

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